La tua salute è la cosa più preziosa che possiedi. Per essere sicuri di avere la copertura e l'assicurazione necessarie a coprire le vostre spese mediche per tutta la vita, lasciate che vi aiutiamo a scegliere i giusti servizi e le politiche di assicurazione sanitaria migliori quando arriverà il momento di iniziare il processo di trasferimento negli Emirati Arabi Uniti.


Global Success Consulting lavora con i fornitori regionali di assicurazione sanitaria con sede negli Emirati Arabi Uniti e in Germania. Questi fornitori sono specializzati in vari piani di assicurazione sanitaria internazionale che possono essere personalizzati per soddisfare le vostre esigenze specifiche di viaggio e di stile di vita.

Lavorando con questi fornitori regionali, siamo in grado di procurarvi una lista accurata di potenziali piani di assicurazione sanitaria e offerte che potrete consultare a vostro piacimento.

Una volta che scelta l’opzione che ritenete migliore per voi, vi aiuteremo a iniziare la domanda nel modo più rapido e semplice possibile. Si prega di notare che Global Success Consulting non riceve commissioni dai fornitori di assicurazione sanitaria regionale. Questo servizio specifico rappresenta un’indennità di spesa per il nostro tempo, che potete conoscere meglio contattando direttamente il nostro team oggi stesso.


Usa i seguenti link per saperne di più sui nostri servizi e per iniziare il processo.

International Health Insurance Services

International Health Insurance Services: Your health is the most valuable thing you’ll ever own. To make sure that you have the coverage and insurance…

Comprehensive worldwide coverage and international healthcare for individuals and families living abroad for a year or longer are the main advantages of International Health Insurance. Coverage usually includes in-patient, out-patient, wellness, evacuation, dental, and vision treatment, along with select other benefits. Global health insurance plans are often renewable annually for life or until your specified termination date International Health Insurance Services.

The primary advantage of having a global medical insurance plan is obtaining the option of receiving health care wherever you are in the world. You will enjoy the benefit of being covered both in your current residence and in your country back home International Health Insurance Services.

Having international health insurance services gives you the advantage of being able to choose the hospital or doctor for your medical evaluation and treatment. Additionally International Health Insurance Services, with worldwide medical insurance, you have the flexibility to choose a private hospital over a public facility and receive faster, more comprehensive, and better healthcare International Health Insurance Services.

Coming up with the best insurer can be tough, as each plan they offer comes with different strengths and weaknesses. The aim is to find the best plan for your specific needs and budget. To help narrow down your search, we suggest you start with an established international health insurance company with a strong presence both in the country where you will be living as well as in your home country International Health Insurance Services.

As your broker, we can generate a few quotes from two or more global medical insurance providers which you can then compare side-by-side. Since policy cost is an essential factor in choosing a plan, you need to consider carving out benefits that you do not need International Health Insurance Services.

Some plans are highly customizable, giving you the reins to pick and choose the benefits to include or remove in the policy International Health Insurance Services.

Other global medical insurance plans are comprehensive but will allow you to adjust certain benefits as well as deductible amounts to lower your premiums International Health Insurance Services.

The international health insurance cost plays a big role in selecting a service provider. Simply choosing the insurance provider offering the lowest rates is fine, but understand that your choice may end up costing you more if something goes wrong International Health Insurance Services.

Pick one that can cover all your medical needs when the time comes International Health Insurance Services.

In general, yes. When it comes to international health insurance costs, where you are living will have a huge impact on the policy International Health Insurance Services.

Plans will always cost more if you want US coverage since medical costs and rates are highest in the US. If you are going to be living in a country like Singapore or France, expect to also face costlier premiums since medical costs there are higher compared to other countries International Health Insurance Services.

Likewise, if you will be living in a place where the cost of medical care is relatively lesser, you may see lower rates when requesting policy quotes International Health Insurance Services.

Medical underwriting, which pertains to the review of your medical history, is required by international healthcare companies when you apply for one of their global medical insurance plans International Health Insurance Services.

If you are apply for an international family health insurance plan, all family members will have to provide their medical history International Health Insurance Services.

For US citizens familiar with the benefits and protections provided by the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare), take note that it does not apply here. You can be turned down or denied coverage International Health Insurance Services.

The underwriting process is generally done to obtain and review your medical history International Health Insurance Services.

It is not overly burdensome to do as most providers can complete the underwriting process in 3 to 5 business days. However, the process may take longer in case some unusual circumstances arise International Health Insurance Services.

It is a tough challenge to provide cover to individuals and families wherever they want to go. To answer the increasing needs of people to be protected against the expenses stemming from medical concerns, insurers have created a vast, international network of doctors, clinics, and hospitals around the world. They created a system similar to how insurance plans work in your home country and then widening it to a global scale International Health Insurance Services.

The result is a reliable global health insurance system that can cover you both at home and in foreign lands International Health Insurance Services.

International Health Insurance Services